中外合办国际本科International Undergraduate Programs Joint-Degree Programs Offered by Renowned Chinese and Foreign Universities Recognized by the Ministry of Education of China Recognized by CSCSE
全球认可 教育部留服认证 可考公考编体制内、企事业单位认可 优享人才落户政策
| Global Recognition Accredited by the CSCSE Recognized by public institutions and enterprises Beneficial talent settlement policies |
名校资源 享受国内及国外双重名校资源 眼界更开阔 校友更多元化,能力更多维
| Top School Resources Access to prestigious domestic and international universities Broader horizons and diverse alumni network Multifaceted abilities and opportunities |
自主招生 通过综合评价或学校 自主招生申请 相当部分院校或项目无需高考成绩
| Independent Admissions Apply through comprehensive evaluations or school-specific admissions Many institutions or programs do not require Gaokao scores
提前录取 相当部分国际本科在高考前即可 通过学校自主招生考试提前录取 不影响高考 | Early Admission Some international undergraduate programs offer admission before the Gaokao Does not affect Gaokao performanc
更低预算 比常规留学节省30%及以上 性价比更高
| Lower Budget Save 30% or more compared to conventional studying abroad options Higher cost-performance ratio
学制灵活 | 4+0、SQA3+1、3+1、2+2、1+3、1+4 Flexible Study Options Programs available in 4+0, SQA3+1, 3+1, 2+2, 1+3, and 1+4 formats |